Volunteer Opportunities
The PTA's goal is to enrich the environment for our children, families and community. It takes many volunteers to make that happen, and parent volunteers are always necessary and welcome!
We are currently looking to fill the following key positions for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in helping out, contact Jenna Donaldson at jenna.donaldson08@gmail.com
Just need more information? Fill out our volunteer interest form so we can find a volunteer position that is just the right fit for you!
Thank you for your consideration and support!
All volunteers must complete a background check before you will be able to volunteer on campus. It just takes a minute...complete yours now!
Grade Level Coordinators have been set for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have specific grade level questions or want to be involved, please reach out to your GLC or fill out this form
Upcoming Events
Volunteer Opportunities
Staff Birthdays
If you are interested in being a corporate or business sponsor, please email the PTA at lakeviewbobcatspta@gmail.com.